Individual therapy consists of meeting one on one with your therapist, generally one to two times a week, and sessions run 50 minutes. A short term, more solution based therapy, may last 3-6 months. People often continue a longer theraputic involvement depending on their needs. We work with every patient individually to come up with a schedule that will best meet your goals.
Every relationship experiences turbulence at some point. Sometimes problematic areas are best understood and treated as a couple in a theraputic setting. Objective guidance by a therapist helps each individual have greater insight to the understanding and relosution of conflict within the couples’s relationship.
Difficulties with parenting are often best addressed in a theraputic setting, in which both he parents and child are involved. Family Couseling either takes form by one on one therapy with the child, group sessions with the parents, or both in conjunction.
We provide an array of testing services for children and adolecents. Please call to inquire about the different type of services we can provide for testing.
We provide the mandatory 1-hour California Attorney substance abuse continuing legal education requirement.
Call to Reserve Today: 310-366-5413
Next Course: Sat. July 14, 11am in West LA